The Peninsula Times Tribune from Palo Alto, California (2024)

THE PENINSULA TIMES TRIBUNE. Tuesday. June Igjgg-PageAj Keeping the water pure ASIDE FROM the air we breathe, nothing is more vital to human life than water water that Is pure and therefore drinkable. But, as reporter Ann Gibbons pointed out In a two-part series of articles In the Times Tribune this week, the water In California Is becoming increasingly more dangerous to drink. It is under assault from viruses and bacteria of nature, from the chemicals used by man to control those viruses and bacteria, and from the toxic wastes seeping Into the groundwater from Industrial plants.

Public awareness of the problem Is growing Just as fast as the problem; organizations aimed at keeping water free of contaminants have been formed In several areas In recent years and a Field Poll earlier this year found that water contamination was considered the third most Important Issue In the state. Fortunately, this public awareness has resulted In political awareness, and fomia's politicians are working on several fronts to solve the problem of water contamination. Peninsula government agencies have been particularly active in passing ordinances designed to control the leakage of toxics into the groundwater. On the state level, there was an attempt last year In the Assembly to pass a package of 10 measures to clean up drinking water supplies. The fate of that 10-bill package Illustrates some of the problems In cleaning up the water.

Lobbyists for oil companies, gas stations and other industries managed to turn aside most of the measures. Three bills eventually were signed Letters Campaigning abroad Into law by Gov. George Deukmejlan, but the governor reduced the $1.3 million that the bills had appropriated to help implement and enforce the cleanup measures. Still, those laws are more effective than similar laws in most other states. Patricia Shlfferle of the Assembly Office of Research said that "California is ahead of the game in comparison with the federal Environmental Protection Agency action on preventing and cleaning up water contamination.

Being ahead of other federal and state agencies probably isnt going to be good enough for environmentally conscious Californians, and it shouldnt be. But even if experts could pinpoint all the water problems and recommend workable ways to solve them, there would still be a formidable obstacle: money. For example, Fairchild Camera and Instrument Co. has spent $15 million to clean up contamination from Just one leak of toxic solvents In south San Jose, and the work Is not yet done. Other companies In the Bay Area have spent more than $20 million In the past year on similar cleanups, and most authorities agree the work has Just begun.

Whatever the costs, though, the money must be spent. There Is nothing that should have a higher priority, at both the state and local level, than Insuring the quality of our drinking water. Lets hope the Legislature will send more cleanup measures to the governor, and that this time hell approve whatever is needed to make the legislation fully effective. weapons, Reagan was as vague as usual. He did offer a specific proposal on conventional forces In Europe, presumably as an easier way to reopen communication.

The Idea Itself was futile. The United States would agree to the non-aggression treaty the Soviets have been seeking. If the Soviets would supply some confidence-building Information such as troop strength. The Soviets have refused to divulge that data In the past, so their response last week was quick and predictable: Another attempt to ridicule Reagan as they rejected the offer. As usual.

Western observers know little of what's going on at the Kremlin. The Soviet bear may be "hibernating, as The Economist suggested, until after the U.S. elections. Or this may be the beginning of a longer period of poor relations. This much Is certain, though: Reagan is benefiting politically from the Soviets stubbornness.

He Is able to placate European fears about U.S. nuclear aggressiveness while showing Americans that hes more a man of peace than they might have thought By felling even to come up with counterproposals, the Soviets make Reagan out to be the peacemaker. It would all be be rather amusing, were it not for the fact that this posturing does not draw the two superpowers any closer to meaningful nuclear reductions, while It distracts attention from the real and continued buildup of nuclear weapons on both sides. J. Ron Hemig Gradation Dimeter William B.

Burke ControHor Dennis Kennedy Cmployor Pehtions Directorlabor Counsel Jeffrey Rodgers Maritetesg farector Phillip G. Quinton Production Director Art Buchwald many more. Quite Impressive for a device which, unlike a gun, was not designed to damage things, wouldnt you say? And cars, as we all know, are (by law) registered with the government; dare I suggest that the 50,000 deaths produced annually by cars are an Indication of the usefulness of registration In preventing slaughter? If the anti-gun crowd so determined to reduce the number of deaths that occur each year, it seems to me that they really ought to worry about the automotive Juggernaut rather than small pieces of metal that fit in ones hand but then, I am not a liberaL Quentin G. Long LOS ALTOS Crime would still occur DURING THE LAST few months, I have read a number of letters to the editor backing more handgun-control measures. I believe contrary arguments must be presented to point out their shallow reasoning.

Some writers have mentioned the cruelty to animals Involved with hunting. They dont realize a well placed bullet ta quick and more efficient than the slaughter of livestock. Also, the destruction of the habitat of wildlife has killed more than hunting has In the Bay Area. Thta especially a concern In areas like Los Altos Hills, where the food chain broken and the wildlife starves because of new roads and cleared lots surrounded by high fences. Others write that handguns cannot be used for game, only for humans.

A quick Inspection of the state of California hunting regulations will prove thta to be a fallacy. Hunting with a handgun gives each animal more of a chance as the hunter attempts to move within range. Another argument that the best way to reduce violent crime to outlaw handguns. The crlmlnab will never give up their guns and most disobeyed the law to gain possession in the first place. Even if every gun was destroyed, other weapons would be used.

It said that a handgun for self-protection more dangerous to the victim than to the attacker. Besides, the police provide adequate protection, they say. Then why has every court ruled that no police force liable for not responding to an emergency call for help? Even with a policeman at every corner, murders would occur. Abo, statistics are quoted about the number of deaths caused by handguns. If the handgun should be outlawed then so also should be the automobile.

To American citizens, more deaths have occurred In autos than with guns In peace and war. Lastly, it interesting to note that the Democrab and Republicans have congressmen both for and against handgun control, while all Libertarian candidates agree with the party platform. Stephen J. Holly PALO ALTO JUST AS he did five weeks earlier, President Reagan has Improved his chances of re-election at home by looking good abroad. And this time he has the leadership of the Soviet Union to thank.

The three scheduled highlights of the 10-day trip were his sentimental visit to an ancestral home In Ireland, a patriotic tribute to D-Day and the 10th economic summit conference of the leaders of the major Industrial democracies. He glided through them all with stirring rhetoric, a minimum of discord and plenty of media coverage. Perhaps the most attention-attracting aspect of the trip, however, was his overture to the Soviet Union to resume arms negotiations. On that front the Soviets played right Into his hands. Ever since the Soviets pulled out of the Geneva talks In December, after the Installation of Pershing and cruise missiles In Europe began, the pressure on the Reagan administration to be more flexible and forthcoming on arms talks has eased; the Soviets have looked even less Interested In halting the arms race than the White House had seemed.

But the situation has created an opportunity for Reagan to reduce one of his greatest liabilities in the 84 campaign, his eagerness to revive the Cold War. More than once on the European trip he professed a desire to one day eliminate nuclear weapons, If only the Soviets would give some sign that they would like to start talking again. On nuclear timelribune At least be constructive FOR THE MORE than 30 years that I have been reading the Times Tribune and its predecessor the Palo Alto Times, I have noticed from time to time that writers to your Comment" page can be divided Into two classes: Those who make timely comment on local, national and even International politics and issues, and those who attack the writers of these letters If the viewpoint doesnt agree with the respondents philosophy. The latest was the vicious accusations aimed at Nancy Bey by H.K.K. Brodersen (June 5).

Now, I personally lean toward the Republican view with regard to fiscal responsibility, but I am a mean advocate of civil rights. Therefore, I dont always agree with Bey's opinions, but I hold dearly her right to communicate. Her comments are indeed well thought out and intelligently formed. They almost always give me something to think about However, she at least doesnt stoop to mudsllnglng via the editorial page. If you dont agree with her, at least dont act like a Juvenile and criticize her and accuse her of using Innuendo, rumor and wishful thinking.

(Show me her rumors and wishful thoughts!) At the very least she has defended her position with some modicum of research and Intellect This is more than those who attack her without defending their own words. I have a challenge to you attackers: If you disagree, pick a point of contention and tear It apart Then do your best to present your own view In opposition. At least come back with a rebuttal rather than a bazooka blast. If sources are cited, go to the source and prove It wrong. Just please quit sticking your tongues out In anger and frustration.

Do a little constructive expository writing. If you cant, go back to school and learn how in English 1A. Tod Wicks PALO ALTO Hart can beat Reagan IN YOUR EDITORIAL of June 6 you suggested that, since Gary Hart felled to win a few of the Democratic primaries In the heavily populated East, he could not defeat the Republican candidate In the presidential election. In arriving at such an Inconsistent conclusion you failed to realize one very important fact: In the November election, Republicans and independents will be voting. In addition to Democrats.

If the Democratic Party wants to win the fall election. It must nominate someone who not only popular among Democrats, but who will also appeal to Independent voters and disenchanted Republicans. Of the three Democratic candidates, only Gary Hart can fill those shoes. Spencer Pugh MENLO PARK The music is what sells REGARDING LIZ LUFKIN'S article, Rock roll album covers beyond any parody (June 5, Page C-l). I've read many articles that Judge recent cuing that album covers to be too sexy, or too sexist." But realize, advertising the name of the game.

I don't hear too-many young women complaining of bare-chestfed men being exploited by album covers. Lufkin goes on to say that nearly nude" photos on album covers are too accessible to youngsters. Unfortunately, these covers are Just as accessible as newsstand magazines such as the mild Playboy or even raunchier Hustler. Where there are teenage males, theres curiosity. It comes with the territory.

What would you rather they see? I don't think too many feminist scholars" don studded leather and chains Bnd go slam-dancing on Friday nights. So why not leave the heavy metal scene to those who have an interest In It? Just like the gay" scene, people may not agree with It, but If it doesnt Invade their privacy or lifestyle, they let It slide by. When all is said and done, todays albums are bought for what they contain, the record Inside, and not the cover out- 8de- Mark San Juan Drummer for "Hammerliedd LOS ALTOS Quality of life lowered THANKS TO Liz Lufkin for her story (June 5, Page C-l) on rock roll album covers. Marketing decisions made by Jim Lewta and hb ilk create the sexually exploitative anti-female Images that we and our children are exposed to dally. The feet that some rock group members have no conception of the difference between sexy" and sexist Indicates how out of touch these pop cultural figures are with positive human values.

Im grateful to the feminist scholars whose research demonstrates the correlation between p*rnography of all kinds and sexual violence, and to Marilyn Yalom for keeping the issue In the public consciousness. Even without scholarly proof, however, I can tell when the quality of my life being lowered and by what commercial Interests, and I strongly object to It Karen S. Klingel PALO ALTO What about killer cars? WITH EVERY letter penned by the likes of Walter Koop (June 4), the anti-gun crowd reveals its hypocrlcy. So 10,000 deaths (the annual toll from handguns, were told) greater than the total Allied losses at Normandy, and amounts to 30 new corpses per day? Perhaps; but with all the outrage over a mere killer, what of another familiar machine, easily more beloved to Americans than handguns, whose death toll 50,000 per year? That's five times the carnage produced by handguns! I speak, of course, of the automobile; It goes Us merry way snuffing out 140 Innocent lives each and every day of the year, and maiming for Ufe God only knows how fat lady to 245 lytton Palo Alto, Calif. 94301 Thomas J.

Culligan, President and Publisher i i Michael G. Kidder, editor Ward Winslow, Managing editor Thod A. Spinola, Deputy Managing editor William Horke, Mrtropohton editor Carolyn Snyder, Asdstant Managing editor William Shilstone, Cdy editor Paul oakes, editorial Page editor Ronald D. Goben, Associate editorial fog editor Leonard Koppett, editor emeritus Letters to the editor must be original, topical and no longer than 350 words and must bear the writer's signature, address and telephone number. Write: Editorial Page Editor, Peninsula Times Tribune, P.O.

Box 300, Palo Mo, CA 04302. start singing Mondale strategists keep A SUMMIT MEETING was held last weekend at a Holiday Inn In the outskirts of Washington between the leaders of the Mondale, Hart and Jackson forces to discuss Democratic Party unity. The conference was called at the behest of Mondales campaign managers. The Hart and Jackson people were stone-faced. Mondales man was the only one smiling.

Now that the battle over and our man has won, we feel It time to heal the wounds of the primary race and work for a victory In November. HARTS MAN objected, The opera isnt over until the fet lady sings. We thought youd say that, Mondale's man retort-' ed. He pushed a buzzer and a fat lady entered the room and started to sing Happy Days Are Here Again. The Hart man stood up and said, "That's one more dirty trick.

How do you expect us to agree to unity when you pull a stunt like that? We were only kidding around, to ease the tension, gates In California and New Jersey. Harts representative said, Gary doesnt want to be a spoiler. He willing to meet Mondale halfway. "What does that mean? He will get up at the convention and say numerically Mondale has the delegates, but politically it would be a disaster to nominate him. "WHAT KIND OF a unity message that? Mondales imb shouted.

"It's the best Hart can do after the things Mondale said about him. Jacksons man said, "I cant guarantee Jesse will even come to the convention If the Democrats don't change the rules. Mondales man took a sheet of paper out of hb briefcase. The candidate has given me permission to offer Gary the vice presidency on hb ticket Big deal, Baits man said. How can Gary be vice president when he can't stand being In the same room with Mondale? A vice president never has to be In the same room with the president, Mondale's man said.

That's what makes the American presidency work. Mondale can always communicate with Hart through Lane Kirkland. Jackson's man said, Jesse wants to be secretary of state. MONDALES MAN said, We cant offer Jesse a Cabinet position If we dont win the election. But In the spirit of unity Fritz would like Jesse to nnmtnnt him at the convention.

Jesse thought youd come up with a stupid Idea like that He said if you did he would use the time to tell the country how he got cheated out of hb delegates. That's fine with us, Mondales man said. Then its agreed. We will announce to the press that the party has been unified. The fet lady started singing, San Francisco, open those golden gates, and Hart's man said, Oh shut up.

Lot Anautos Time Syndicate the Mondale man said. "Lets be serious. Mondale has the delegates and hes going to be the candidate. But we need to work together If were going to beat Reagan In November. The Jackson man said, "Mondale stole our delegates.

Were not going to agree to unity until we get them back. MONDALE'S MAN said, We played by the rules. You dont change them after the game ta over. Halts man said, Gary doesnt consider the game over. He wanb to go Into overtime.

How can he go Into overtime when the score 2,000 to It doesnt matter what the score Is. Hart won California. That proves the voters have rejected Mon-dale. Jacksons man said, Jesse got cheated out of dele.

The Peninsula Times Tribune from Palo Alto, California (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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